Independent Studio Time
Do you want to work independently in the studio? Not a problem!
Step 1: Read the studio guidelines so you know how to work in the space and how to schedule studio time.
Step 2: Sign up for independent studio time. Studio basics series class is a required prerequisite to become familiar with basic forming methods and studio operations.
Step 3: Purchase your bag of clay when you come in or your appointment.
$235 - 25 lb. bag B-Mix
$245 - 25 Lb bag English Porcelain
Tying the price to clay use is the most accurate and fair way to charge for both the business and the customer. It eliminates the feeling of pressure that a time based fee creates.
A 25 lb. bag of clay is likely to equate to 20 small pieces or 5 very large pieces. The time spent enjoying the shaping and glazing will be 20-30 hours.
It is also wonderful for families and friends. Adults who have taken the basic series classes may bring their child or another adult and create with them at no extra cost. All the costs are tied to clay use. Adults must be responsible to supervise their child and preserve the peaceful environment..
If you would like to bring additional guests, please see the studio guidelines for pricing and scheduling of group studio time.
Left over clay can be labeled or stored in the studio for up to 2 months.